Research Division
Status: Discontinued
Lead Researcher: Dr. Marcus Webb
Department: Sociology
Note: Study terminated due to insufficient participant retention. Multiple subjects withdrew from study unexpectedly. Follow-up attempts unsuccessful.
Internal Memo: Concerns raised about selection criteria focusing exclusively on students without local family connections.
Status: Archived
Period: 1980-1989
Statistical anomaly noted in retention rates among specific student groups.
Cross-reference: Student Affairs missing persons reports show unusual pattern.
Note from Dean's Office: Future demographic reports to exclude unofficial withdrawal data.
Status: Partially Available
Facilities Management Archive
After-hours access logs for West Hall basement discontinued in 1986.
Regular maintenance reports mention unusual activity in unused wing of Luvert Hall.
Security reported odd sounds from the woods - investigated, no source found.
Period: 1989-19992
Project Mnemosyne - Level 5 Clearance Required
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Date: 15 March 1992
Found something weird in the overnight static. Was cleaning up recordings from Maria's international music show when I noticed it - patterns in the white noise. Almost musical, but not quite.
Ran it through the analyzer. There's definitely something there - frequencies that shouldn't exist in normal radio static. Going to ask Dr. Ludwig about setting up more sophisticated monitoring equipment.
Equipment used:
Note: Similar patterns appeared during Elizabeth Chen's last broadcast. Need to cross-reference recordings.
Date: 11 July 1992
They're interested in my research now. Dr. Ludwig introduced me to the Project Mnemosyne team. They have equipment I've never seen before. Military grade stuff, they say.
Initial tests confirm my theories about memory encoding in sound waves. Subject MK-1 showed unprecedented response to combined frequencies. Something about the basement's acoustics amplifies the effect.
But these methods they're using... The subjects report intense memory recall, but there's something else. Like their memories are being pulled out rather than just accessed.
Technical notes:
Personal note: The way they look at me during tests. Like they knew I'd find this. Like they were waiting.
Date: 14 September 1992
This isn't what I wanted. I just wanted to understand the patterns in the static. They're using my research for something else.
The new subjects - all international students. They say it's because they "process frequencies differently." That's not how sound works. That's not how any of this works.
Latest readings show consciousness patterns being stored somehow. In the frequencies themselves. That's impossible. But I hear them in the static at night. Voices. Memories.
Equipment failures increasing. Reality bleed extending beyond Room 23B.
Dr. Ludwig won't answer my questions anymore. Think I saw my own frequency pattern in last night's readings.
URGENT: Need to document everything. They're going to try something during next week's broadcast. Something about "full transfer." Have to warn
Date: 1 October 1992
Primary frequency patterns remain consistent with previous tests. However, noticed concerning developments in secondary wave patterns. Subject EW-7 exhibited unusual neural response to 142.7Hz when combined with subsonic pulses at 3.33Hz.
Equipment readings show echo patterns in supposedly dead air. Signal appears to be bouncing back but source cannot be located. Like something's answering.
WARNING: Main transmitter showing signs of reality bleed. Reality bleed? That can't be right. Running diagnostics again.
Additional Notes: