Restricted Access Division
Classification: TOP SECRET
Date Range: 1988-present
From: Office of Academic Excellence
Date: March 15, 1992
Re: Project Mnemosyne Implementation Guidelines
Initial trials demonstrate promising results in knowledge preservation and transfer protocols. Traditional academic gatekeeping methods prove insufficient for maintaining institutional standards. New approach required.
Dr. Ludwig
September 28, 1991
Our work progresses well. Today's subject exhibited exceptional recall of Ancient Eastern philosophical texts - knowledge that belongs in more worthy vessels. The frequency-induced amnesia continues to prove remarkably selective. Most satisfying.
The board approves of our methods, though they maintain plausible deniability. They understand that occasionally distasteful measures serve the greater good of knowledge refinement. Better to preserve these texts and teachings in minds that will honor their proper context.
Additional observation: Subject retention rates dropping as planned. Official records show voluntary withdrawals. No follow-up required.
November 13, 1991
Re: Equipment Malfunction - Room 23B
During standard extraction procedure, subject began reciting poetry in native language. Frequencies became unexpectedly synchronized. Equipment readings showed consciousness patterns being stored in signal itself.
Davis Reynolds concerns noted but irrelevant. He fails to understand our greater purpose. Knowledge must be properly curated. The frequencies offer us a way to preserve what matters while removing those who would dilute our academic legacy.
Recommend accelerating timeline. Missing student reports are beginning to leak.
February 1, 1992
Effective immediately:
Remember our mission: To preserve and protect the purity of academic knowledge. The frequencies have shown us the way.
Date: October 12, 1988
Re: Student Withdrawals
To all faculty and staff:
Please refer any inquiries regarding recent student withdrawals to the Office of Student Affairs. Standard response: "Students have chosen to withdraw for personal reasons."
Do NOT discuss individual cases with:
Note: All withdrawal paperwork has been properly filed and documented.
Date: November 3, 1988
Re: Missing Person Report - Elizabeth Chen
Report filed by roommate Sarah Mitchell regarding missing student Maria Chen.
Investigation findings:
Case closed per administrative request
From: Dr. Elizabeth Martinez
Department of Anthropology
Date: December 15, 1988
I cannot, in good conscience, continue my position at Bollins College. The unexplained disappearances of my students, particularly those in my Advanced Cultural Studies seminar, raise serious ethical concerns.
The administration's refusal to investigate these cases properly is deeply troubling. The patterns are too consistent to ignore.
Last week's sounds from the basement lab during my evening office hours were the final straw. I know what I heard.
Consider this my immediate resignation.
Date: January 8, 1989
Subject: RE: Department Concerns
From: Dr. James Richards
To: Department Heads
The recent departures of Dr. Martinez and Dr. Kumar are unfortunate but unnecessary. Their concerns about the Advanced Cultural Exchange Program are misplaced.
Let me be clear: participate in our academic excellence initiatives or seek employment elsewhere. The board fully supports our methods.
Reply from Dr. Sarah Wilson:
James, a third of my Eastern Philosophy class disappeared over winter break. This isn't right.
Reply from Dr. James Richards:
Sarah, please report to my office tomorrow morning. We need to discuss your continuing role at this institution.
Date: February 22, 1989
Re: Recent Student Editorial
The administration categorically denies all allegations made in last week's student editorial regarding "missing international students."
Official Statement:
"All student withdrawals have been properly documented. Claims of unusual sounds from Luvert Hall basement are attributed to ongoing renovation work to the studio. The drop in international student retention is consistent with normal academic attrition."
Note: Editorial to be removed from archive. Student journalist assigned to academic probation.